In this video Q&A, Butterball Vice President of Corporate Engineering Steve Valesko discusses the challenges of redesigning the 20-year-old Raeford plant specifically looking at making sure the facility is up-to-date on Butterball’s food safety standards.
In this video Q&A, Butterball COO Joe Nalley details why the company chose the Raeford plant as the newest purchase, including strong community support and room to grow.
These milestones include attaining three million hours without a lost-time injury and reducing injury frequencies as a result of slip-and-fall incidents by 88 percent in just one year.
Butterball’s senior director of safety and risk management Brian Rodgers talks about the learning curve of adjusting worker safety to the different equipment you encounter with pork processing versus turkey processing and how that was advantageous in the long run.
Butterball’s Sr. Director of Safety and Risk Management Brian Rodgers discusses the challenges of getting an acquired facility up to speed on worker safety and why some facilities take more time than others.
Butterball’s calculated bet that bringing all its production in-house would spur growth and innovation in its product lines has paid off handsomely. Plant expansions and the acquisition of two large processing facilities will allow the processor to multiply its jackpot.
It has been a busy couple of years, but the gamble that Butterball LLC has taken to modify its operational approach appears to have paid off, spurred along by several headline-making acquisitions in recent years.
Butterball has made sizeable investments into the Raeford plant beyond the initial purchase, feeding into its goal to become more focused on adding value to its commodity product lines.
In mid-November, Andy Hanacek, editor-in-chief, visited Raeford, N.C., in order to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony and get an exclusive tour of the new Butterball further-processing plant there (which was also still under construction at presstime).