Americans just don’t get tired of burgers. The all-American sandwich is featured on most menus and is branching into meaty, upscale, indulgent versions as beef prices continue to decline.
The food industry spends billions of dollars to address the issues raised by the estimated number of illnesses and deaths attributed to a pathogen or allergen. The predictions and statistics these agencies provide and use are truly critical.
Several large-scale recalls have been issued recently for products containing foreign material, which creates headlines that draw a lot of attention to how the industry keeps foreign material from contaminating the food supply.
Requiring workers to wear sanitized apparel while guarding the garments from contaminants is crucial for enhancing food safety in meat and poultry plants.
Traditional fMRI has not been widely used to investigate neural stimulation of consuming solid foods, because of potential safety hazards and poor imaging quality. Novel scanning methods could alleviate this.
When forecasting what to expect for the meat industry in 2017, the first thing on everybody’s mind is: "What does a Trump presidency mean to my business and the industry?"
Poultry products remain popular with consumers and the industry has plenty of open road ahead; but external mitigating factors continued to tamp down sales in 2016 and have some areas in need of a tuneup.
Overall sales of poultry were down less than 1 percent in 2016 from 2015 because of a decline in poultry prices as well as total volume of poultry sold, according to Chicago-based Mintel International’s Poultry U.S. report, published in November 2016.
Many major brands have been clamoring in recent years to uncover what drives Millennials to foodservice. Now it’s time for operators to focus on the next generation of young consumers — Generation Z.