Hormel CFO nominated for Women in Finance award
Hormel Foods Corp. announced that Jody H. Feragen, executive vice president and chief financial officer at Hormel Foods, has been nominated for the CFO magazine Women in Finance Awards. The awards will be presented Tuesday, May 15, at the CFO Women in Finance Conference in New York City.
Feragen joined Hormel Foods in 2000 as treasurer, assuming the title of vice president and treasurer in 2001. She was promoted to vice president of finance and treasurer in 2005 and was named senior vice president and chief financial officer in 2007. She was promoted to executive vice president and chief financial officer in 2010.
“This nomination is an honor, and I appreciate CFO magazine providing an opportunity to recognize women in leadership roles throughout business,” Feragen said.
CFO magazine’s first-ever Women in Finance Awards will honor all of the women CFOs of the Fortune 500 and the Global 500 for their achievements in reaching the CFO seat at the world’s largest companies – an amazing success, as there are only 65 women CFOs out of the entire group. For more information on the event, go to www.cfo.com/wif.
Source: Hormel Foods Corp.