The National Provisioner

4-7 news: Poultry organizations file suit to challenge EPA

April 7, 2009

The National Chicken Council and U.S. Poultry & Egg Association have filed suit in the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans to challenge certain aspects of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) new regulation on water pollution discharges from so-called confined animal feeding operations, or CAFO’s.

The new regulation was issued in response to the industry’s victory in the Second U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York in 2005, in which the court said EPA could not require growers to apply for permits merely because they have a “potential to discharge” pollutants to the waters of the United States. EPA has replaced that portion of the rule with a new provision that would require permits where there is a “proposal to discharge.” The lawsuit will challenge the new requirement as not conforming to the Second Circuit’s ruling.

In addition, the lawsuit challenges recent guidance documents, issued by EPA in the form of letters, that interpret the CAFO regulation. The letters essentially say a grower has a “proposal to discharge,” and therefore must apply for a permit, if poultry housing has a ventilation fan that may potentially exhaust dust or other substances on the ground where rain water might wash them into a ditch leading to surface waters; NCC and USPOULTRY will argue that Congress did not intend to regulate these normal agricultural practices when it enacted the Clean Water Act.

Source: National Chicken Council

Ruiz Foods spices up XXL Burrito line with new flavor

El Monterey brand frozen Mexican food introduces a new XXL Burrito flavor – Jalapeño Beef & Bean – perfect for the retail hot case and the hearty ‘’Hot to Go’ appetite. Ten ounces each, and individually packaged, El Monterey XXL Burritos are available in a variety of filling and seasoning choices – burritos or chimichangas, spicy or mild, with cheese or without.

“Our El Monterey XXL Burritos are perfect for the ‘hot to go’ consumer that is looking for a heartier and more filling meal that doesn’t skimp on great flavor and a good value,” explains Bryce Ruiz, President and Co CEO, Ruiz Foods, Inc. “In most cases, this is the blue collar worker who usually takes little time for lunch, eats on the run, and prefers a hot meal with no prep time.”

The El Monterey XXL Burritos/Chimichangas line includes: Spicy Red Hot Beef & Bean Burritos; Beef & Bean, Green Chili Burritos; Beef & Bean Burritos; Beef & Bean, Red Chili Burritos; Bean & Cheese Burritos; Spicy Red Hot Beef & Bean Chimichanga; and Jalapeño Beef & Bean Burritos.

Source Ruiz Foods

Beef purchases cut as distributor aims to go green

Foodservice provider Bon Appetit Management Co. is buying 25 percent less beef as part of its efforts to reduce carbon emissions throughout the supply chain. According to the Web site, the company is promoting other options in place of beef, including turkey and vegetarian burgers.

Bon Appetit is also buying less cheese and is cutting its tropical fruit purchases in half, replacing it with seasonal fruit. It is also educating chefs and prep staff about smart buying and preparation to cut food waste. The results, the company hopes, will result in a 25 percent reduction of carbon emissions by 2010, or the removal of 100,000 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions weekly, by 2010.

Bon Appetit services 400 locations, including colleges, universities and corporations..


Consumers prefer smaller grocery stores, not Wal-Mart

A Consumer Reports survey on grocery stores put Trader Joe’s and Wegmans at the top of the list and put Wal-Mart near the bottom. Reuters reports that other stores with high marks include Publix, Raley’s, Costco, Whole Foods Market and Harris Teeter.

No store was perfect, according to the report. “The few chains that were spotless, offered standout meat and produce, and had helpful and friendly staff and quick checkout earned only average scores for price, at best," according to the magazine. Wegmans and Whole Foods scored high rankings for their meat and produce. Trader Joe’s and Raley’s performed well in service.

Fourteen percent of respondents reported shopping at Wal-Mart, which was the highest percentage of any store. However, he received low scores for perishables and service.

Source: Reuters