The National Provisioner

Speakers announced for E. coli conference

August 13, 2008

WASHINGTON – Four national meat industry associations announced Tuesday the agenda and speaker line-up for the upcoming E. coli O157:H7 conference for beef further processors. 

The conference is Sept. 16 through 17 at the Sheraton Four Points Chicago O’Hare. Aug. 22 is the early registration deadline.

The conference is sponsored by four major meat industry associations: North American Meat Processors Association (NAMP), American Meat Institute (AMI), National Meat Association (NMA), and American Association of Meat Processors (AAMP). The Beef Industry Safety Committee (BIFSCo) is also supporting the conference.

speaker line-up includes:

           Dan Engeljohn, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of Policy and Program Development, Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS)

           Kerri Harris, President, International HACCP Alliance

           Ann Wells, NAMP Director of Scientific and Regulatory Affairs

           Michelle Rossman, Director of Beef Safety Research, National Cattlemen’s

Beef Association

           Margaret Hardin, Associate Professor of Food Microbiology, Texas A&M University

           Tim Biela, Chief Food Safety & Quality Officer, American Foodservice

           Nick Nickelson, Chief Executive for Science and Health, Standard Meat Company

Register now to attend this important industry event and get the Early Registration rate. For registration materials, go to the association Web sites including


Source: North American Meat Processors Association




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