The National Provisioner

Meatpacker ordered to compensate Sizzler over E. coli

July 31, 2008

MILWAUKEE – A Milwaukee County, Wis. jury has said that meatpacker Excel Corp. should pay restaurant chain Sizzler USA more than $7 million for lost revenue because of Excel supplying tainted meat to the chain.

Excel, Sizzler and the local franchise where a strain of E. coli killed a young girl and sickened many others have argued in court over how responsibility should be shared in the outbreak. The three-year-old died eight years ago after eating watermelon tainted with the E. coli strain at a Sizzler's restaurant in Milwaukee.

The company has already paid $8.5 million to the girl’s family. Excel reportedly said in a written statement that it is disappointed in the decision and is considering options.


Source: Associated Press




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