The National Provisioner
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Courtesy of the American Lamb Board

Lamb Board expands consumer awareness on lamb nutritional value through Brewery Running Series partnership

5K runs/walks start and end at local breweries in several of ALB’s target markets, offering an opportunity to combine fitness with American lamb.

May 10, 2024

The American Lamb Board has partnered with a unique Brewery Running Series to expand consumer awareness about lamb’s nutrition profile. These 5K runs/walks start and end at local breweries in several of ALB’s target markets, offering an opportunity to combine fitness with American lamb. 

The first ALB-sponsored brewery run was held at The Board Room in Arlington, Va. After the 5K, participants had lamb sliders and learned about the versatility and benefits of American lamb. ALB also recruited local influencers and fans of lamb to run in ALB-branded Run with Our Flock tee shirts, sweatbands and socks to amplify the visibility for American lamb.

“Races sponsored by the Brewery Running Series end at local breweries where participants join a festive after-party. We’ve been able to add a nutritious bite of American Lamb to the festivities,” said Jeff Ebert, ALB chairman. “It’s a great opportunity to reach new consumers as many runners and walkers are trying American Lamb for the first time and leave with information about the nutritious benefits of American Lamb.”

ALB will sponsor more Brewery Running Series events in several markets in summer 2024. On May 18, ALB will serve American lamb and distribute recipes and nutrition information following a 5K at Acreage Brewery in Lafayette, Colo. Then, in June, American lamb will be featured following a half marathon at the Breckenridge Brewery in Littleton, Colo.

Run with Our Flock tee shirts or sweatbands are available for purchase here.

Source: American Lamb Board