The National Provisioner
White Castle introducing Slider Lites on April 1

White Castle introducing new Slider Lites on April 1

The new burger is the same size and square shape of White Castle's Original Slider.

March 31, 2023

White Castle, the first fast-food hamburger chain in the U.S., will be releasing a brand-new menu item on April 1. Called Slider Lites, the new 100% all-beef burger is the same size and square shape of White Castle's Original Slider. Instead of having five small holes in the patty, however, the Slider Lites come with just one large hole, which means they have a fraction of the calories of the Original Slider.

The single hole, smack dab in the middle of the patty, is White Castle's latest innovation in a long list of innovations that span the family-owned company's 102-year-old history. Among other things, White Castle designed the first industrial-grade spatula, introduced carryout with its "Buy 'em by the Sack" carryout sack and made burgers in a square shape to maximize cooking space on the griddle.

"We have been bringing new innovations to market for over a century," said Jamie Richardson, vice president at White Castle. "We're excited to introduce this latest advancement, as it showcases our commitment to flavor and efficiency."

White Castle first introduced the iconic five holes in 1947 as a way to increase the speed at which Sliders cook and to help the flavor of the onions more thoroughly permeate the burger. This method has stood the test of time — until now. Making a Slider with just one single hole instead of five little ones will speed up the cooking time even more. The grilled onions and one pickle, both signature toppings for the Original Slider, will sit atop the Slider Lites, further enhancing the flavor. As an added bonus, the one hole removes the majority of the burger's calories.

"We really think one giant hole will revolutionize our cooking system," Richardson said. "It might even become the preferred choice among our loyal Cravers who crave flavorful, low-calorie food."

Source: White Castle