The National Provisioner
Fricks Anniversary

Frick’s Quality Meats celebrates 125 years of smoking meats with website redesign and facility expansion

December 23, 2021

Frick’s Quality Meats, best known for artisan smoked hams, is celebrating 125 years this month since establishment in 1896 with big changes to their website and even bigger changes to their Washington, Missouri facility with a 22,000 square-foot expansion.

Frick’s website ( boasts a whole new look this week following a redesign which enhanced the user experience and made more accessible the information consumers want most.  Fans of their products or those looking to try their meats can now search for store locations by zip code, browse and filter a full product catalog from a single page, and educate themselves on what to look for when buying smoked meats and how to best prepare them.

“We started the redesign with two goals in mind: improve website functionality and provide accessible education for meat consumers,” stated Ellory Frick, director of marketing at Frick’s. “Users should find our site easier to navigate and more helpful to them.”

Not only can consumers more easily locate Frick’s meats online, but they should soon have more success in stores too. The expansion of Frick’s existing 148,000 sq. ft. facility will increase the size of their raw meat preparation area and improve overall capacity by up to 22% with the addition of two smokehouses. Construction is underway and expected to be completed in February 2022. This expansion will help Frick’s better meet high demand for their products, and follows a 28,320 sq. ft. extension of their ready to eat packaging area and cooler space completed in 2018.  

Source: Frick’s Quality Meats