The National Provisioner
Eagle PI PXT Poultry Inspection

Eagle Product Inspection launches breakthrough PXT detector technology for poultry

August 20, 2020

To provide poultry processors with a total inspection solution based on their unique requirements, Eagle Product Inspection has introduced a new detector technology that combines the latest advancements in dual energy technology and image analysis software. The new PXT (Performance X-ray Technology) is a breakthrough inline inspection technology that captures more detailed data about the product being inspected than has previously been possible. When these images are instantly processed, you'll see an increase in detection accuracy and significantly reduced false reject rates.

Eagle’s RMI 400 and Eagle Pack 400 HC machines are now available with PXT, which allows the application of multiple processing algorithms to work in parallel for every image captured. “This breakthrough technology, which has set a new industry standard for performance, improves bone and contaminant detection while simultaneously performing quality and integrity checks, leading to an overall lower cost of ownership,” says Simon King, General Manager for Eagle Product Inspection.

Unparalleled detection is a key benefit of the new detector technology. PXT provides poultry processors the ability to repeatedly detect the smallest bone fragments, down to 1 millimeter. Lower false reject rates result in less product rework, a priority for many poultry processors facing labor challenges.

When paired with the latest-generation SimulTask PRO software, PXT improves quality by reading and interpreting data for desired fill level inspection, mass measurement, zonal measurement, package integrity, fat measurement, component counts and the identification of missing items, all in a tenth of a second.

Versatility is built into the new PXT technology. The solution can be deployed across a wide range of applications and can handle both thick products like turkey breasts and thinner items like fresh or frozen chicken tenderloins. PXT is suitable for single lane or multilane setups and in lines configured for bulk flow or retail packaging.

“PXT is a game changer in the industry. Eagle poultry systems now provide the total answer that processors have been seeking, enabling them to configure their inspection systems to fit their unique and varying requirements,” says King.

Poultry processors can learn more about the recently launched PXT capabilities at Eagle’s first-ever Virtual Poultry Show. The online event opens September 17th and will showcase advanced inspection systems, including the Eagle RMI 400 and Eagle 400 HC equipped with PXT. Eagle’s experts will be available to chat, answer questions and demonstrate equipment features at the virtual “booth.”

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