Case Farms Goldsboro facility reaches two million man hours without a lost-time accident
Case Farms achieved another safety milestone on Saturday, January 25th after their Goldsboro processing facility reached two million hours without experiencing an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recordable lost-time accident (LTA). The facility reached one million hours without a recordable LTA in September 2019.
“We’re proud to start the New Year off strong with yet another safety milestone. Attaining one million hours without a recordable lost-time accident takes a daily commitment from every team member, and achieving two million hours without an accident is even more impressive, “said Trent Reynolds, Vice President, Case Farms. “This accomplishment illustrates the success of our safety initiatives and we are proud of our employees for implementing those programs.”
This is the second time over the past three years that the Goldsboro facility has reached this significant safety milestone. In 2018, the facility reached three million hours without reaching a recordable LTA.
In addition to efforts made by employees, Case Farms implements a company-wide worker safety program comprised of core elements that are essential to achieving and maintaining a strong safety and health program.
Source: Case Farms