The National Provisioner
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Independent Processor Editorial Independent Thoughts

Sharing good news

October 9, 2017

As full-time business people, it’s difficult to take a step back sometimes and share good news among your friends and work associates. When we reach a major milestone or achieve a significant accomplishment, the instinct is to press onward to the next goal. We should always take a step back and reflect on major successes and savor that moment before we move on to the next big thing.

It’s been a significant year for me, from a professional standpoint. This year, Independent Processor became the official trade publication of the American Association of Meat Processors (AAMP). Many of my readers are already members and enjoy the benefits of being a part of that association, but many may not be familiar with AAMP. For smaller and mid-sized companies, it’s critical to be a part of a larger group that has your back. Whether you need legal or regulatory assistance, or you’re looking for some other meat industry professionals to give advice, groups like AAMP make it easier to get the help you need. In future issues of IP and also in this newsletter, I’ll be able to help share the importance of AAMP throughout the meat industry. I’m very happy to be working with such a fine organization.

As a bonus, the partnership with AAMP means that IP, once again, will be a standalone supplement published alongside The National Provisioner. We will no longer be published inside NP, and we will continue to grow and share the story of the independent meat and poultry processors that are thriving in this market. This starts with the October issue, so if you are a subscriber, you should be seeing the new and improved IP soon. Future issues of IP will include exclusive content from AAMP that will be of interest to our readers. The October issue, for instance, includes a great technical article explaining how the ingredients you add to meat affect the end product. There is also a Q&A with AAMP’s new president, Louis Muench of Louie’s Finer Meats, Cumberland, Wis. Louis’ entire interview is included in this newsletter as well, so you can get a taste of things to come with AAMP.

That’s a bit of my good news from this year. What’s yours? I invite everyone in the IP community to send me press releases, newspaper links or a quick email letting us know what’s happening to your businesses this year. Are you building new facilities? Expanding your product lines? Winning awards? Share the good news with me at, now and in the future as well. I’m happy to share that news on our website and possibly in a future newsletter or magazine as well.