The National Provisioner

Case Farms hits two million man hours without a lost-time accident

October 6, 2017

Case Farms, a fully integrated poultry farming and processing group, achieved a safety milestone on Tuesday, September 26, 2017, after working two million hours without experiencing an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recordable lost time accident at its Goldsboro processing facility.  This facility achieved the one million hours mark earlier this year, and previously attained the two million hours level in 2013. A celebration is planned for the 1100+ employees to commemorate the new milestone.

“Safety is an integral part of our commitment to our people at Goldsboro,” said Tim Singleton, Case Farms Vice President and General Manager of the Goldsboro Division.  “Reaching this level of workplace safety takes the daily commitment of every employee in our facility, a commitment I know they take seriously. We’re very proud of our employees for setting such a high safety standard.”

In its quest to keep worker safety as the highest priority, Case Farm has incorporated several initiatives and corporate changes that encourage employee participation and input. Their company-wide worker safety program is comprised of core elements that are essential to achieving and maintaining a strong safety and health program. By implementing these elements, including hazard prevention programs, daily work-site analysis, safety awareness training and strong management-employee relationships, Case Farms’ facilities are able to continue keeping worker safety top-of-mind.

“Safety has always been at the forefront of responsibility for each employee in the Goldsboro facility,” said Rick Barton, Case Farms Director of Safety.  “We challenge everyone to set their goals high, with the ultimate goal of zero injuries.  We are proud of our safety record through the years and continually strive for improvement to make Case Farms the safest company in the industry.”  Barton continues, “As we get better at what we do, it will be because the individuals at this company have agreed to become part of something important. They’ve devoted themselves to creating a habit of safety excellence.”

Source: Case Farms