The National Provisioner

Nutritional content of LFTB questioned in BPI vs. ABC defamation trial

June 12, 2017

Attorneys for ABC News spent Friday questioning the nutritional value of BPI’s lean fine-textured beef product, as the BPI vs. ABC trial concluded its first week. The trial will resume today.

Kerri Gehring, a Texas A&M meat sciences professor, said in her testimony that LFTB has similar nutritional value as ground beef. According to the Sioux City Journal, ABC lawyers challenged a BPI official's statement reported in one of the network's reports that LFTB was "as nutritious as any 94 percent lean meat product."

Attorney Joe Terry showed jurors sheets of lab reports, some from tests that Gehring had ordered and others that came from federal databases, comparing the average protein and iron levels contained in LFTB and those levels found in ground beef at 75 percent up to 96 percent lean. Those figures showed protein levels in LFTB were in some cases half of those in ground beef.

Gehring testified that she couldn’t determine if one product had less nutritional value than the other, since factors involved in the decision would include the dietary needs of the consumer.

For more details about Friday’s session, read the Journal’s report:

Source: Sioux City Journal