The National Provisioner

New BLS data show meat and poultry industry sustains progress in enhancing worker safety

November 3, 2016

New Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) incidence rates for non-fatal occupational injuries show sustained progress in meat and poultry industry workplace safety in 2015. 

Meat packing, processing and poultry industry results improved from both 2014 and 2013 levels, reaching a new, all time industry low of 5.4 cases per 100 full-time workers per year.  

The most serious injuries, those included in the “Days Away, Restricted, or Job Transfer (DART)” rate, remained at 2014 levels of 3.7 cases per 100 full-time workers per year, also the lowest rates ever recorded. 

“Clearly, the positive trend of the past two decades continues, with overall industry rates improving,”   said Meat Institute President and CEO Barry Carpenter.   “We don’t expect large improvements at this point given how far we’ve come, but it is gratifying that actual results continue to trend in the right direction making the 2015 meat and poultry industry safety results reflect the lowest rates on record.”

In the early 1990s, the Meat Institute declared worker safety a non-competitive issue, which compelled members to collaborate around solutions for enhancing worker safety. The Institute also partnered with OSHA and union representatives to develop the first industry-specific ergonomic guidelines.   Today, the Institute runs an annual conference on worker safety  and a worker safety awards program, administered by the National Safety Council, and continues to maintain a focus on workplace health and safety.

Source: NAMI