AMSA 69th RMC Artisanal Meats: Growth, Trends and Future Prospects symposium speakers announced
The American Meat Science Association (AMSA) is pleased to announce, Lynn Dornblaser, Desmond Johnston and Lorenza Pasetti, will be the featured speakers at theAMSA 69th Reciprocal Meat Conference (RMC) Artisanal Meats: Growth, Trends and Future Prospects Symposium, on Tuesday, June 21, in San Angelo, Texas. This session is sponsored by Hawkins and the presentations from these speakers will focus on the topics below:
Charcuterie and Artisanal Meats: Why They Are Important Today: Artisanal meats, whether they are from unusual sources, or raised or made “the old fashioned way” tie into key consumer trends today. Consumers increasingly want to understand where the food they eat comes from, and they are looking backward to a “better” time for inspiration. Come listen to Lynn Dornblaser, Director, Innovation and Insight, Mintel about what’s currently on the market, consumer thoughts on artisanal meats, and what may lie ahead.
Artisanal Meats: Growth, Trends and Future Prospects – Culinary Point of View: Chef Desmond Johnston, Instructor, School of Hospitality and Tourism,will explore today’s trends in the retail market as Charcuterie gains popularity and establishes itself as a true culinary movement. How Pate’, Terrines and Galantines are reemerging as the go to item for today’s foody culture.
Artisanal Meats: Growth, Trends and Future Prospects: Lorenza Pasetti, President and CEO, Volpi Foods, Inc. will focus her presentation on the growth of artisanal meats including recent Neilson data showing the category which grew in sales dollars 9% in 2014, increased to 12% growth in 2015. The Italian meats category is now the third largest deli meat category after turkey and ham. The trends for the category include two major focuses: Real Food and Mindful Eating. Real food encompasses clean ingredients, concern over what’s in the food we eat, and where it is sourced and produced. Mindful eating includes the authenticity of the products (and therefore the companies that produce them), the satisfaction these products give when all the senses are used to enjoy them, and the effects consuming them has on the community as a whole.
The AMSA 69th RMC will be held June 19-22, 2016 at the Angelo State University in San Angelo, Texas. For more information regarding the AMSA 69th RMC please visit: or contact Deidrea Mabry 1-800-517-AMSA ext. 12.
Source: AMSA