OSI Oakland achieves ISO 17025:2005 accreditation
The laboratory testing facility at OSI’s processing plant in Oakland, Iowa, a supplier of bacon, hot dogs and other meat products, announced that it has achieved ISO 17025:2005 accreditation for technical competence in the field of biological testing from the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA).
ISO 17025 is a global standard applicable for testing laboratories that is based on a comprehensive review of a laboratory's quality systems, technical competence and performance to ensure it produces accurate, precise and consistent results. Achieving ISO 17025:2005 accreditation is an example of the company's commitment to the highest quality scientific standards.
“Through outstanding dedication and commitment to stringent ISO requirements, the Quality Assurance Micro Lab team at our Oakland facility received ISO 17025 accreditation,” said Daniel Iverson, the plant’s QA manager. “It was a 10 month process which involved a lot of hard work. With the assistance of a consultant, the timeframe for completing the accreditation process of the ISO was significantly reduced. This process has resulted in enhanced performance and professionalism of our already great lab team.”
Factors assessed by the accreditation bodies include: technical competence of staff; validity of test methods; measurement traceability; maintenance of test equipment; testing environment; handling of test items; and quality assurance of test data.
Source: OSI Group LLC