The National Provisioner

Cargill Mount Crawford, Va., meat distribution facility tops 2.6 million work hours without a lost-time injury

May 19, 2015

Cargill's distribution center here ships more than 400 million pounds (200,000 tons) of turkey and cooked meats annually, and the 150 member team that does the work has logged 2.6 million hours without a lost time injury, dating back to April 2008. The Mount Crawford team that achieved this milestone is part of the Wichita, Kansas-based Cargill Turkey & Cooked Meats business, and will be recognized by company, state and U.S. officials at a ceremony at the distribution center, 11:00 a.m., May 20.

The Mount Crawford team ships Cargill's Honeysuckle White, Shady Brook Farms, Castlewood Reserve and Charter Reserve meat products from the 150,000-square-foot distribution center established in 1992. Products shipped from the distribution center move to domestic retailers and foodservice companies, as well as to foreign markets including Canada, Mexico, the Philippines, Guatemala, Angola and Benin.

"We ship a lot of meat products produced in this region. Those nutrient-rich protein products nourish millions of people. We are always focused on workplace safety, stated Neal Snoddy, distribution center general manager. "We also take a great deal of pride in this safety achievement because it is one of our top priorities. People have the right to thrive as part of Cargill, which means returning home injury-free each day. The focus on safety has been woven into Cargill's cultural fabric over the company's 150-year history."

Source: Cargill