Superior Farms unveils new logo, celebrates 50th anniversary
Superior Farms is celebrating its 50th year in business by updating the brand with a new logo, calling out the company’s core product – American lamb.
“We believe in American lamb,” said Rick Stott, CEO of the company. “As an employee-owned company, we take pride in bringing this exceptional product to the market. We want to provide a delicious eating experience to everyone who buys our lamb, and thus helping the U.S. sheep industry thrive.”
The company celebration and logo roll-out began in Sacramento, California, just 20 miles from the Superior Farms headquarters. Chefs in the region are participating in a Farm to Fork contest for the best lamb dish, and Superior Farms is helping to promote American lamb at a variety of events in the next few weeks.
“This new look will elevate the Superior Farms brand for the shopper, clearly illustrating we are delivering American lamb and provide a sense of the high quality of our natural products,” said Anders Hemphill, Vice President of Marketing and Brand Strategy. “This look is a little more contemporary, and as we move into the next 50 years of our business we want our values to stand out in an approachable way. We want consumers to directly associate our name with American lamb.”
Source: Superior Farms